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Selectmen Minutes 06/01/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – June 1, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:45pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
6:00 – Christopher Horne  –  Tax issues

Mr. Horne discussed that last November the auditor sent him a notice of what was owed for property taxes.  Mrs. McClusky told him he owed $6,100.00, Mr. Horne provided a receipt for proof of payment of that amount.  Mr. Horne stated that Mrs. MsClusky had indicated if the $6,100.00 was paid it would stove off deeding until next December.  The new tax collector has indicated that he needs to pay the remaining $8,173.12  by June 12th or deeding will begin. Mr. Horne indicated he has made arrangements to obtain the funds for this, but can’t be sure he can have them by the 12th  - he is asking if the Selectmen will work withhim to allow him to take care of this in completion by next fall?  If he can have until next fall with a payment plan it will postpone the deeding as he had originally thought was happening.

Discussion followed

Action: Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a forebearance agreement with Mr. Horne as has been discussed.  It will include18% interest, paid in full by december 31, 2006.  Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in the affirmative.

6:15 – Ernest Corey – Tax issues

Mr. Corey discussed he has recently paid $5,000.00 towards the back taxes he owes.  He paid $2,500.00  last week and $2,500.00 this week.  He stated he would appreciate a three to four week extension from deeding his property, which would allow him the time needed to pay the $8,500.00.  Discussion followed – Mr. Corey would like to enter into an agreement which would include a 6 months extension, and if possible he will pay it off early.  

Action: Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a forebearance agreement with Mr. Horne as has been discussed.  It will include18% interest, paid in full by december 31, 2006.  Selectmen Kullgren & Rainier seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously in the affirmative.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2006

6:45 - Neal Brown, Chairman - Recycle Committee –
·       Mr. Brown discussed the committee is looking at whether or not the recycle center should stay as an indipendent unit or folded into the DPW.  They will give a report to the Selectmen after they research this.   
·       They will be meeting one Thursday a month and more if necessary.  
·       They would like to keep communication open with Selectmen.
Selectman Dumas discussed when the Committee was formed its intention was to help make the center a better place, it basically was started to be a support group.  
Mr. Brown provided the Board with copies of advisory suggestions from the NRRA as to improvements that could be made.  The NRRA gave a full report of how to proceed, the Committee would like to act on that, it is a tactical procedure.  Mr. Brown stated that he thought the Selectboard were concerned with the organization as a whole.  Staffing, layout, etc…we hav ethe center will always be there, they want to work on what is most logical for the center to move forward.
Selectman Rainier stated the Board is looking for a long range plan as to how the center can operate in a more efficient manner than it currently is.
Mr. Brown stated he will leave a copy of the report from the NRRA with Deb to copy for the board.
Selectman Rainier asked if a site plan has been done at the center.  
Mr. Brown said he wasn’t sure.
Selectmen thanked Mr. Brown for meeting with them.
6:30 – Duffy Fox, Road Agent
Selectmen discussed the discussion they had with Recycle Committee member, Roger Lessard last week regarding the matter of the air conditioner having been taken out of metal pile and Fox saving them for a down payment on equipment.  Mr. Lessard asked if the Selectmen gave their approval for this and they stated no. Discussion took place of taking from one Dept. to help another Dept.  even though Selectmen want to reward creativity and thoughtfulness, they still need to know what is happening.
Mr. Fox commented to Selectmen about when the DPW donates to the metal pile.  His understanding is it is a free pick pile for anyone and has no restrictions.
Selectman Dumas stated that in the future they would like Duffy to let the Board know, they would have been pleased that he came up with a no cash formula to complete a project.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2006

Mr. Fox wanted to discuss the number of hours and dollars saved by he and Gary Russel by utilizing recycled material over the years.
Selectman Kullgren commented he can appreciate that, but it boils down to two issued one is communication and communication between the departments.
Selectman Rainier stated that the Frank had indicated the removal of freon from the a/c units had previously been done.  There should be a paper trail.
Selectman Rainier asked Mr. Fox if there were any other projects up his sleave that the Board needs to be aware of?
Mr. Fox responded that he built a leaf blower with a blower from scrap they acquired from another town.
Selectman Rainier stated he appreciates that.
Selectman Dumas wanted to discuss the driveway of Donna Andrews, he wondered if she needs a culvert?
Mr. Fox stated there are two issues, he met with her and will be meeting with Mathewson to discuss the driveway.  However, she is maintaining a public right of way, if there is future building behind her, she will be maintaining it for everyone.  He suggested that she take care of her own driveway and pave a little at a time.  
Discussion followed – about ditching, culverts, and what is needed in that area.  
Selectman Dumas will call Ms. Andrews and discuss this matter with her.
7:30 – Roger Lessard, Recycle Committee member –
·       Air Conditioners - Mr. Lessard had two questions, if the Selectmen are thinking the DPW taking from the Recycling is an acceptable practice.   And further, has it been verified that the A/C’S had been pumped?
Selectman Rainier stated they will ask Mr. Pelkey who did the pumping that he has indicated had taken place, as there is no papertrail to verify this.
Selectmen Dumas stated that better communication between Departments and with Selectmen needs to take place in the future.
Discussion regarding recycling, departmental communication etc. continued.
Mr. Lessard asked about the air conditioners that are being stored at the highway garage right now?  Selectman Dumas stated they didn’t discuss this.  

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2006

Mr. Lessard stated that it appears there was an inpropriety taking place and he would like to know what is going to be policy in the future.  Selectmen indicated that better communication will be the start.
The Board thanked Mr. Lessard for coming to the meeting.
7:38 – Al Burtt, Resident
·       Abatement – MR. Burt asked how the town is billed by avitar? The Adminstrative Assistant said we are billed monthly with a contractual price.
Mr. Burtt expressed his disatisfaction with the decision of the abatement.  He began by stating the letter from Avitar has errors.  The errors being his home was built in 1987, not 1995, he has 2.06 acres not 4.0 and his assessment is $317,200 not $408,200.  
The Admionistrative Assistant was asked to send this information to Avitar to see what John says, they would like a timely response, and they will respond to Mr. Burtt in writing.
Selectmen thanked Mr. Burtt.
7:50 - Lenny & Diane Weeks
·       Cemetery – Mrs. Weeks asked when the water will be turned on at the cemetery? Everyone thought it already had been.
Action:  Adminstrative Assistant will discuss this with Duffy.
·       Flags – Mrs. Weeks discussed that when mowing is being done, they are ot taking care to put flags back properly.  They seem to pull them up and then just lay them on the ground.  Also, they asked about the bald spots and seeding of new graves, who is responsible for that and when will it be completed?  
Action: Administrative Assistant will discuss this with Molly, and have her talk to TJ
On-going Business:
7:00 - Wage & Benefits –  
Selectmen discussed benefits, they reviewed the recommendations of the committee, topics to discuss at the next meeting are:
·       Overtime
·       Insurances (i.e. Life, LTD, STD, Health, Dental)
·       Sick/personal time

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2006

Selectman Kullgren discussed sick/personal time is an important commitment to retaining quality employees, increasing this benefit by adding 3 additional days/year we are better able to keep our employees healthy.  Selectmen discussed the concept of if employees do not use the days, they could receive reimbursement at the years end for the unused time.  The funds are budgeted either way.
Increased vacation days is a similar situation, the funds are budgeted, it is important the employees use their vacation time.
Selectman Kullgren discussed overtime as well.  No decisions were made.
Time will be set aside to work on this at the next full board meeting.
7:25 - Church Lease –
·       The stained glass windows were discussed, determination of who really owns the windows needs to be clarified.  Minor typographical changes were made to the lease.  This will be on the agenda again at the meeting scheduled for June 15th, for ½ hour.
Parks & Rec. –
Code Violation –
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R checks & A/P invoices
·       Minutes – Selectmen accepted the minutes of 5/25/06.   
·       Light Duty Policy – No action taken
·       Correspondence – Selectmen reviewed a letter from Carol Baldwin regarding their house being hooked into the waste water system.  Their current septic system is in failure and they are hoping this could be an option. At this time, the conversation moved towards increasing the usage for Carbee’s.  Selectman Rainier stated he is unwilling to make any adjustments until the system has been functioning for a year.  If there is extra capacity then they can discuss additional hook ups. More information is needed, this will be researched.
Action: Administrative Assistant will contact Keith Pratt and ask him what he thinks.
·       Municipal Resources Inc. – Administrative Assistant reported that MRI was here on Tuesday and interviewed her and other department heads regarding internal controls.  The meeting went very well, they would have a full report upon completion of interviews with the Tax Collector, Town Clerk & Treasurer.

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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2006

·       Old Town Office – Leah Conway & contractors went to the office and looked at the interior of the building to work out their plans.
·       CMRC – Selectmen were invited to a breakfast with the Governor at crotched.
·       Abatements – Selectmen abated taxes for all but two of the “Unknown” properties; a recent survey of the abutting property determined ownership of these lots.
R4-69; R4-70; R4-71; R6-32; R6-33; R6-34; R6-35; R6-36
·       Selectman Kullgren has a conflict next week the meeting will be adjourned at 7:00 pm
·       Letter to the Hancock Road Agent, Selectmen approve the parking of cars on the Greenfield Side of the bridge, letters will also be sent to the residents who live by the Cavender Road Bridge informing them of this.
·       Follow up from last week meetings –
o       Is the air conditioner situation ok?  Selectmen would like to see a receipt of when the air conditioners had the Freon removed, and what company removed it.
o       Mr. Lessard felt copies of the minutes was insufficient, he thought a letter should be mailed; he further stated the minutes will speak for themselves.
With no further business, the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 5:45 pm.